Video: Infecting the COVID-19 Response and Corrupting Democracy

How has the far-right used the pandemic to exacerbate racial othering and undermine democracy? What strategies can racial justice organizers use to build power and counter right-wing narratives? A panel of experts weighs in.

Video: MENA and US Perspectives on Racialization

This event was organized by the Middle East and North African Studies Program at Northwestern University as part of its MENA Conversations series.

Video: Equal Protection’s Grand Promise and Betrayals

Dr. powell was among four panelists in UNC School of Law’s Center for Civil Rights symposium speaking on equal protection jurisprudence from Reconstruction, Brown v. Board of Education, and beyond.

Video: Creating the Conditions for Belonging and Breathing in a Toxic Environment

In this “Beyond the Great Unraveling: Weaving the World Anew" conference, john a. powell delved deeply into the complexities of civil rights and liberties, structural racism, poverty, housing, racial and ethnic identity, inclusivity, spirituality and social justice, as well as the needs of citizens in a democratic society.

Video: Storming the Capitol: Trumpism's last Stand? | #AskOBI

On Friday, Jan. 8, 2021 OBI Director john a. powell and law professor Ian Haney Lopez discussed the chaos in Washington, D.C. when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building demanding Congress halt the certification of the presidential election results.

Video: The Economics of Belonging

On December 10, OBI hosted the third Toward Belonging digital dialogue series consisting of a discussion about the possibilities and potential of an economics based on belonging.

Video: The Surveillance State, Social Safety, and Building Power

While technology has made it easier to connect with faraway family and friends and gain access to the world’s libraries of information, it has also led to a stark loss of privacy through widespread data collection and surveillance by both government agencies and for-profit companies.

Anti-Black Racism in the Arab Region

This panel was organized by the Arab American Cultural Center on November 24, 2020.

Video: Why the Electoral College poses a threat to democracy | #AskOBI

The Othering & Belonging Institute's political participation analyst Josh Clark explains the undemocratic nature of the Electoral College. Despite Joe Biden getting over five million votes more than Donald Trump, the election in theory could have...

Video: The future of freedom: Reparations after 400 years

On November 18, 2020, a distinguished panel of scholars consider what the question of reparations means for this freedom’s fulfillment and what kind of future could follow for African-Americans beyond 400.

Video: How accurate are exit polls in 2020? | #AskiOBI

Josh Clark, our institute's Political Participation Analyst, explains the problems with the narratives coming out of the 2020 elections about how certain demographic groups voted. Transcript: Josh Clark : I’ve been seeing a lot of hot takes already...

Video: Live Q&A with john a. powell about the 2020 elections | #AskOBI

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, john a powell discusses the outcomes of the 2020 elections in a live Q&A with OBI. This was the first event in our new #AskOBI series featuring reactions from institute staff and faculty on trending topics.

OCASI 2020 Executive Directors’ Forum

On October 27, 2020, Director john a. powell gave the keynote at the 2020 Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) Executive Directors' Forum. The theme of the conference was Transformation: Race, Recovery and Belonging. Director powell...

Video: Research for Radical Imagination

Who tells your story? Who maps your community? Who owns the data? What knowledge is valid? This 3-Part introductory series on Participatory Action Research hosted by the Highlander Research and Education Center, Southwest Folklife Alliance and the...

Video: Rockford Conversation on Othering & Belonging with Dr. john a. powell

On October 22 and 23, 2020, Director john a. powell spoke to members of the communities of Rockford and DeKalb, Illinois, in events organized by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence at Northern Illinois University. Both communities have an interest in...

Explore Othering and Belonging

E-Newsletter Archive

An Archive of past issues of our bi-weekly newsletter.

Depolarization Day

Want a chance to hear from experts studying the root of what’s driving us apart and how we come back together? Eager to build the skills to listen empathetically, elicit narratives of connection, and interview professionally? Looking for a chance...

The Practice of Bridging

Creating structures for belonging or a belongingness policy agenda, while necessary, is also insufficient. As important as many of these structural interventions may be, in some respects they remain too shallow. Such structures are necessary ballast...