function actionFormatter (value, row, index) { return ''; } function getLabel(value) { var column; for (var i in all_columns) { column = all_columns[i]; if (column.field === value) return column.title; } } function showBillModal(bill) { var modal = $('#billModal'); modal.find('.modal-title').text(bill.title); modal.find('a.detailed-bill').attr('href', bill.titleLink); var output = [], column; for (var i in all_columns) { column = all_columns[i]; if (!bill.hasOwnProperty(column.field) || column.field == 'id' || column.field == 'title') continue; // Get label output.push('
'); output.push('
' + column.title + '
'); output.push('
' + bill[column.field] + '
'); output.push('
'); } modal.find('.modal-body').html(output.join('')); modal.on('', function () { history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname); }); modal.modal('show'); } function showBillModalByHash(data) { // Check for # in url if (window.location.hash) { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); //Puts hash in variable, and removes the # character hash = parseInt(hash) // Find bill for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].id == hash) { showBillModal(data[i]); break; } } } } window.actionEvents = { 'click .details': function(e, value, row, index) { showBillModal(row); } } var table, options, columns = [ { field: "id", title: "Bill Detail", sortable: false, formatter: actionFormatter, events: actionEvents, }, { field: "state", title: "State", sortable: true, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "sponsor", title: "Sponsor", sortable: true, filter: { type: "input" } }, { field: "title", title: "Title", sortable: true, filter: { type: "input" } }, { field: "legislativeSession", title: "Legislative Session", sortable: true, filter: { type: "select", data: [ '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', ] } }, { field: "synopsis", title: "Synopsis", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "input" } }, { field: "status", title: "Status", sortable: true, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "keyterms", title: "Key Terms", sortable: true, visible: true, filter: { type: "select", data: [ "American Laws for American Courts", "Family Law", "Foreign Law", "Foreign Laws", "International Law", "Islam", "Religious Law", "Sharia" ] } }, { field: "supporters", title: "Advocates", sortable: true, visible: true, filter: { type: "input" } } ], all_columns = columns.concat([ { field: "usesAlac", title: "Bill uses ALAC language", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "exemptsCorporations", title: "Bill exempts corporations", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "barsCourts", title: "Bill does not exempt individuals", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "instigatesFear", title: "Bill instigates fear of Sharia", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select", data: ["Yes", "No"] } }, { field: "increasesMistrust", title: "Bill others Muslims", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "fomentsIntolerance", title: "Bill foments a climate of intolerance", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } }, { field: "impactsMuslims", title: "Bill violates Muslims' civil rights", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "select" } } /*, { field: "notes", title: "Notes", sortable: true, visible: false, filter: { type: "input" } }*/ ]); function updateTotals(data) { var htmlTotals = []; // Get visible columns with type select var columns = []; var totalCount = 0; var skippedRows = []; var statusColumn; var stateColumn; var tableColumns = $('#table').bootstrapTable('getOptions').columns; if (tableColumns == undefined) { return; } else { tableColumns = tableColumns[0]; } for (var i in tableColumns) { var column = tableColumns[i]; if (!column.visible || !column.filter || column.filter.type !== 'select') { continue; } if (column.title == 'Status') { statusColumn = column; } else if (column.title == 'State') { stateColumn = column; } column.choice_totals = []; columns.push(column); } // Count choices for visible columns for (i in data) { var row = data[i]; // skip rows with status 'None Introduced' if (row[statusColumn.field] == 'None Introduced') { skippedRows.push(row); continue; } totalCount ++; for (var j in columns) { column = columns[j]; var choice = row[columns[j].field]; if (!choice) { if (column.title == "Key Terms") { choice = 'No Key Term Mentioned'; } else { choice = ''; } } choice = choice.toString().trim(); var found = false; for (var k in column.choice_totals) { total = column.choice_totals[k]; if (total.title == choice) { total.count += 1; found = true; } } if (!found) { columns[j].choice_totals.push({ field: column.field, title: choice, count: 1 }) } } } // show states with status 'None introduced' with 0 if no filter is active if (skippedRows.length + totalCount == data.length) { for (i in skippedRows) { var row = skippedRows[i]; stateColumn.choice_totals.push({ field: stateColumn.field, title: row[stateColumn.field], count: 0 }) } } function compare(a,b) { if (a.count < b.count) return 1; if (a.count > b.count) return -1; return 0; } for (i in columns) { column = columns[i]; htmlTotals.push('
'); htmlTotals.push('
'); htmlTotals.push('
'); htmlTotals.push('

' + column.title + '

Bills'); htmlTotals.push('
'); tableID = column.title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); htmlTotals.push(''); // Sort by total count column.choice_totals.sort(compare); for (j in column.choice_totals) { var total = column.choice_totals[j]; htmlTotals.push(''); htmlTotals.push(''); htmlTotals.push(''); htmlTotals.push(''); } htmlTotals.push('
' + total.title + '' + total.count + '
'); htmlTotals.push('
'); htmlTotals.push('
'); } $('#totals').empty().append(htmlTotals.join('')); function sortTable(table, order) { var asc = order === 'asc', tbody = table.find('tbody'); tbody.find('tr').sort(function(a, b) { if (asc) { return $('th:first', a).text().localeCompare($('th:first', b).text()); } else { return $('th:first', b).text().localeCompare($('th:first', a).text()); } }).appendTo(tbody); } function removeRow(selector, text) { $(selector).each(function() { if( $(this).text() === text ) { $(this).closest('tr').remove(); } }); } function removeString(selector, str, strToFind) { var container = $(selector).filter(function(index) { return $(this).text() === str; }); var str = container.text(); var newstr = str.replace(strToFind,''); container.text(newstr); } var keyTable = $('#key-terms-table tr th'); console.log($('#key-terms-table tr th').length); var textToRemove = [ 'No Key Term Mentioned', 'International Law, Sharia', 'Foreign Laws, Religious Law', 'Foreign Laws, International Law', 'Family Law, Foreign Laws' ]; $.each( textToRemove, function( index, value ) { removeRow(keyTable, value); }); removeString(keyTable, 'Religious Law, Islam, Sharia', 'Religious Law,'); // Re-sort legislative session based on year. sortTable($('#legislative-session-table'),'asc'); // Insert total bills tr into first row of Status table. $('#status-table tbody').prepend('Total Bills Introduced' + totalCount + ''); } function updateAdvancedSearch(field, checked) { window.location.reload(); } function toggleIcon(e) { $( .prev('.card-header') .find(".more-less") .toggleClass('glyphicon-plus glyphicon-minus'); } $(document).ready(function () { options = { url: "bills.json", toggle: "table", trimOnSearch: false, pagination: true, search: true, //showColumns: true, cookie: true, cookieIdTable: "islamophobia", useRowAttrFunc: true, advancedSearch: true, advancedSearchIcon: "glyphicon-filter", idTable: "advancedTable", showExport: true, exportDataType: "all", columns: columns, filter: true, filterValues: {}, onPostBody: function (data) { updateTotals(data); showBillModalByHash(data); }, onColumnSwitch: updateAdvancedSearch }; $.get("choices.json", function (data) { // Update filter choices for (var i = 0; i < options.columns.length; i++) { var column = options.columns[i]; if (data.hasOwnProperty(column.field) && ! { column.filter.type = "select"; = data[column.field]; } } table = $('#table').bootstrapTable(options); // Set state options var state_select = []; state_select.push('
'); state_select.push('
'); state_select.push(''); state_select.push('
'); state_select.push('
'); $('.fixed-table-toolbar').append($(state_select.join(''))); $('#filter-state').select2({ allowClear: true, placeholder: 'Filter by state' }).change(function () { // Trigger search $('#advancedSearch #state').val($(this).val()).trigger('change'); }); $('#advancedSearch #state').change(function () { $('#filter-state').val($(this).val()); }); }); $('#toolbar').find('select').change(function () { $("#table").bootstrapTable('destroy').bootstrapTable({ exportDataType: $(this).val() }); }); $('.panel-group').on('', toggleIcon); $('.panel-group').on('', toggleIcon); $(".islamophobia-database-links[href^='#']").on('click', function(e) { // prevent default anchor click behavior e.preventDefault(); // store hash var hash = this.hash; // animate $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top }, 300, function(){ // when done, add hash to url // (default click behaviour) window.location.hash = hash; }); }); });